Adi Arezzini - From Israeli Military To Wellness Entrepreneur | Teami Blends

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Long Story Short with Bobbi Brown

Adi Arezzini - From Israeli Military To Wellness Entrepreneur

Adi Arezzini is the co-founder of the tea and wellness company Teami Blends! She started her company at the age of 23 right after serving in the Israeli Army, when she started having digestive issues. In an effort to find an alternative to drugs or medicine, Adi read books about colon health and the negative effects accumulated toxins can have on your body, and began creating tea blends in her bedroom. She started blending her own high quality loose leaf tea until she created the perfect formulation to help solve her own digestive issues. Teami Blends exploded in the wellness and beverage space and keeps growing!

Adi joins Bobbi to discuss her journey from military service member to entrepreneur, and how she went from packing and shipping orders out of her bedroom to a successful company in the health & Wellness space.



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