How to Become a Morning Person

It seems like everyone dreads mornings, so why is being a morning person so important? Waking up before the sun helps you to start your day off right before distraction can happen. This is the perfect time to get your workout in, set your intention for the day, plus you’ll have more time during the day to get things done! Follow these 4 steps:
Step 1: Take Small Steps
Take baby steps, you don't need to become a morning person overnight! To feel well-rested in the morning and ready to start the day make sure you get 8 hours of sleep! This is so important for your body! Start by going to be 10 mins. earlier each week and waking up 10 mins. earlier. Before you know it you will be getting up with ease!
Step 2: Consistency is Key
Get yourself on a nightly schedule so your body knows what's coming. Try a cup of Teami Relax and a book 30 mins. before bed! Avoid the news or anything that will make you angry or upset before bed.

Step 3: Stop hitting the snooze button
Hitting the snooze button can make you even groggier in the morning. Try placing your phone further away from you when you sleep so you aren’t tempted to hit the snooze button. If you have to get out of bed to turn off your alarm, that's even better!
Step 4: Start your morning off right
Start your morning with a cup of Teami Skinny and a morning workout! Try signing up for a group fitness class, you'll be more likely to get up and attend since you've already paid for the class! You can also plan a morning workout with friends, you definitely won't want to miss a chance to hang with your gals before work! Being productive and positive first thing in the morning can help you start your day off right and give you a purpose in the mornings making it easier to get out of bed!

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