Tea for Tummy Troubles: What’s the Best Diarrhea Relief Tea?

Tea for Tummy Troubles: What’s the Best Diarrhea Relief Tea?

Gastrointestinal distress is a common and unpleasant issue that affects the majority of humanity at one point or another. Eventually, we all get sick from something though the severity and cause of that illness varies. While multiple illnesses affect us, some are more common than others, and gastrointestinal distress falls under the "common" category. Gastrointestinal distress can cause several unpleasant symptoms that range from minor annoyances to debilitating issues.

The symptoms could be more painful and unpleasant depending on how severe your distress is. One of the most common symptoms of gastrointestinal distress is diarrhea, which is easily one of the least desirable symptoms. Diarrhea can be extremely uncomfortable and difficult to endure since the episodes can be fairly intense.

Coping with the symptoms of diarrhea induced by gastrointestinal distress can be difficult since it requires us to reduce the strain on our gastrointestinal tract. Fortunately, several remedies can treat gastrointestinal distress, though some of the most common are pharmaceutical. There are natural alternatives available that are commonly used as home remedies to restore balance to the gastrointestinal tract. 

Tea is well known for being used to treat illnesses, especially when in cases of gastrointestinal distress like nausea. Tea also has a history of being used to treat diarrhea, making it a valuable addition to any kitchen or diet. Unfortunately, there are multiple types of teas that are made from different plants and generate different effects. This can make finding the right tea for diarrhea a challenge.

Option #1: Green Tea

Green tea is the most common type of tea, made from the leaves and buds of Camellia sinensis, and is commonly used as a beverage. Green tea has become a staple of modern breakfasts and has a longstanding cultural significance in eastern countries like China and Japan. Green tea has remained one of the most resilient beverages in human history, dating back centuries to early Chinese history. 

Despite its cultural significance, green tea has become a home remedy for illnesses like colds and the flu. This is primarily because green tea is packed with nutrients that benefit human physiology. Those same nutrients can help revitalize the body in the face of certain illnesses and be a very effective health tool.

Cups of Green Tea

Insofar as gastrointestinal health is concerned, green tea has been known to help settle stomachs and reduce the symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. Among green tea's historical uses is a remedy for nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. As a result, drinking green tea can help soothe diarrhea caused by any gastrointestinal distress. While green tea is considered a home remedy and faces some derision from more conservative communities, it has a track record for mitigating these gastrointestinal issues. Some studies reinforced the claims that green tea can improve the health of people with gastrointestinal distress.

Specifically, the study focused on treating the health of children suffering from viral gastroenteritis experiencing several unpleasant symptoms. The study discovered that the children who were given green tea had reduced levels of diarrhea and shortened the length of their hospitalization. As a result, green tea's place as a tool for countering diarrhea has more or less been cemented by modern research. Combined with green tea's nutritional value, it has become the tea of choice for millions suffering from health issues like diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues.

Option #2: Ginger Tea

Another popular tea for health management and gastrointestinal support is ginger tea which, as the name implies, is made with ginger root. Unlike green tea, which uses tea leaves to brew the drink, ginger tea requires pieces of ginger root. Ginger root has a longstanding history with gastrointestinal health and has been used to settle nausea for decades. This is because ginger can improve digestive function and make processing certain foods less difficult. 

Mixing ginger root or extract with hot water can generate a cup of ginger tea that can benefit your digestive health. The benefits of ginger tea, like green tea, extend to helping treat diarrhea and other health issues associated with gastrointestinal distress.

A Cup of Ginger Tea

While the studies surrounding ginger tea and bowel movements are still in their infancy, some evidence supports the claim. There was a review of multiple studies focused on the benefits of ginger tea for various health issues. These studies focused on different details but ultimately created a list of potential gastrointestinal benefits. The review showed ginger tea could reduce gas, bloating, cramps, and indigestion while promoting bowel regularity. The benefit of bowel regularity means it can help reduce diarrhea and make your bowel movements more consistent.

Ginger tea has less hard evidence than green tea, but only concerning studies focused on diarrhea. Ultimately, a cup of ginger tea could be an excellent substitute for those who are less fond of the taste of green tea. That said, the taste of ginger tea can be a little strong for those with more sensitive palates.

Option #3: Peppermint Tea

Perhaps one of the stranger choices to put on this list is peppermint tea, which likely evokes memories of candy canes at Christmas. While peppermint is often used in festive confections, it originates from a plant that has rejuvenating effects like most mint variants. 

Peppermint is actually a hybrid created by breeding watermint and spearmint to create a new species known as Mentha x piperita. Peppermint's origins as a mint hybrid mean it is very healthy when not combined with excess sugar, as found in things like gum and candy. Peppermint also shares the ability to be brewed into tea when mixed with hot water. The subsequent tea has several beneficial effects that help gastrointestinal health.

A Cup of Peppermint Tea

Animal studies have confirmed that peppermint can relax the intestinal muscles and reduce the strain on the stomach. This can help with pain relief and reduce strain on the bowels. Further studies have determined the benefits of peppermint on humans, further improving the reputation of peppermint among casual consumers. There was a review of 14 distinct studies in which almost 2,000 people confirmed that peppermint oil reduced the duration, severity, and frequency of stomach pain in children. It was also found to reduce symptoms of nausea and improve overall gastrointestinal health, and, by extension, reduce the chances of diarrhea.

The caveat to these studies is that they all focus on peppermint oil instead of peppermint tea; however, the oil is derived from the plant. These peppermint plants contain the nutrients that improve gastrointestinal health found in peppermint derivatives. Therefore, it can be inferred from the studies on peppermint oil that peppermint tea can provide the same benefits.

Option #4: Black Tea

When the word "black" precedes a beverage name, we often immediately think of coffee since it is commonly served black in Europe. Despite the common reference to black coffee, it can also apply to tea and refers to tea unadulterated by sweeteners or other ingredients. Black tea is essentially pure tea cultivated from the same plant as green tea. As a result of the similar composition, black tea offers benefits similar to those offered by green tea. 

Among the shared benefits between black and green tea is the ability to soothe the stomach and ease gastrointestinal distress. Consuming black tea can help reduce stomach pain and nausea and avoid unpleasant gastrointestinal issues. That said, black tea can also help improve gastrointestinal health to reduce the rate and severity of diarrhea.

Black Tea

There was a study consisting of 120 children that were divided into test and control groups to measure the benefits of black tea. The children in the test group were given black tea tablets to treat their stomach issues. At the end of the study, the tablets effectively improved the volume, frequency, and consistency of their bowel movements. Another study assessed the benefits of black tea extract on piglets infected with Escherichia coli, which is renowned for its effect on the gastrointestinal system. Among the symptoms of E. coli infections is diarrhea, and the black tea extract reduced the prevalence of the symptom by 20%.

While the studies surrounding black tea are not as extensive as those on green tea, the initial studies are extremely promising. Additionally, the number of studies on humans is still low, but further studies will likely confirm the benefits of black tea and turn it into a viable rival to green tea. 

Option #5: Licorice Tea

This next option will likely be somewhat controversial for some people, but licorice tea is an extremely effective tool for improving health. The main issue people have with licorice tea, or licorice in general, is the bittersweet flavor that can be fairly intense for most people. Licorice is an acquired taste popular with a deteriorating demographic since few people enjoy the particular flavor profile. 

While you might be among the large portion of the population that dislikes the taste of licorice, it remains an extremely effective tool for holistic medicine. Like so many plants and legumes, licorice grows naturally and offers several benefits that can help improve our overall health. Among the benefits of licorice is the ability to settle the stomach and reduce gastrointestinal distress.

A Cup of Licorice Tea

Most studies focus on licorice's ability to reduce nausea, but it also generates an effect that helps reduce indigestion. In 2012, a month-long study was conducted on 54 people who were once again divided into test and control groups. The subjects in the test group were given 75 milligrams of licorice twice daily. The study results showed that the licorice significantly reduced indigestion in the subjects compared to the placebo. Licorice's potential to reduce indigestion can, by extension, reduce the chances of diarrhea. While licorice does have benefits, more human studies are needed to cement its ability to reduce indigestion.

Also, excessive consumption can cause serious side effects, and licorice cannot be overused. Too much licorice can strain other body parts, including blood pressure and the cardiovascular system. Therefore, you should keep your licorice consumption within the recommended limitations. Otherwise, you might cause more harm than good with your licorice tea.

Option #6: Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is well-known due to its drowsing effect, helping people relax and drift off to sleep. Chamomile tea is considered the most soothing type of tea we can drink and can help relax us in moments of stress. What many people do not realize is that chamomile tea can provide relief for digestive issues. Consuming chamomile tea has been linked to treatments for gas, indigestion, motion sickness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Over time, chamomile tea has become a popular tool for people dealing with chronic digestive issues.

A Cup of Chamomile Tea

study on rats examined the benefits of chamomile tea on the digestive system by providing the rats in the test group with chamomile extract. The study proved that chamomile prevented diarrhea in the rats, demonstrating chamomile's ability to fortify the digestive system. Unfortunately, studies on chamomile for diarrhea in humans are lacking, and more studies are needed. Nevertheless, chamomile's effects are extremely promising and will likely yield further results.

Finding the Right Blend

Tea is an important beverage in several cultures but provides many health benefits that improve the human condition. When faced with digestive issues like diarrhea and similar problems, several types of tea can offer relief. As for the question of which tea is best suited to countering diarrhea, it is safe to name green tea the winner. 

Green tea is one of the purest forms the beverage can take, and it offers the greatest number of health benefits compared to the others. Fortunately, adding green tea to your daily routine is easy and can be accomplished without going out of your way. The trick lies in finding green tea that is pure and natural from a reliable vendor.

Teami Skinny Tea Blend

We at Teami offer several products made from natural ingredients designed to promote health and beauty. Among our products is our Skinny Tea Blend, which features oolong green tea that can bolster the metabolism and improve digestive health. We encourage you to visit our website and try our blend to treat your digestive troubles. After all, finding the right blend is a Teami effort.

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