Invest in your health with Bethenny's favorite Teami products together in one bundle!
This bundle includes our plant-based Chocolate Wellness Protein and Portable Smoothie Blender, the MIXit!
This powerful duo will make your wellness routine simple, no matter how busy you are!
Save 20% on your Bethenny Bundle by using code: BETHENNY at checkout!
Invest in your health with Bethenny's favorite Teami products together in one bundle!
This bundle includes our plant-based Chocolate Wellness Protein and Portable Smoothie Blender, the MIXit!
This powerful duo will make your wellness routine simple, no matter how busy you are!
Save 20% on your Bethenny Bundle by using code: BETHENNY at checkout!
These products are game changers!
It takes 30 seconds to make a healthy smoothie to take on the go! Forget time-consuming blender cleanup and invest in your health with the Bethenny Bundle from Teami!
With the portable smoothie blender, the MIXit and the Chocolate Wellness Protein you can stay healthy no matter how busy you are.
I love this brand and I know you will too!
Grab your Bethenny Bundle for 20% OFF using the code BETHENNY at checkout!
← Here's why I'm obsessed with
Teami's wellness products!